How to Consistently Produce Original Content

It’s hard to consistently create original content.

However, the brands we represent expect us to make magic happen every week (or maybe even every day).

But, how can we compete with so many other brands vying for people’s attention? There are 4.4 billion internet users, more than 474,000 tweets are sent every minute, 300 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube every minute and more than 100 million photos and videos are uploaded daily on Instagram.

Yikes! That’s a lot of content!

Quality content matters. However, it’s also important to consistently share quality, original content with your audience. They expect it and you should deliver it if you want to establish a strong digital presence. Here are four useful tips for consistently producing original content.

Be Aware of Current Affairs

There is so much going on in your community, country and the world. How do these current events relate to the brand(s) you represent? Writing blogs, producing videos, hosting podcasts or creating images that add valuable insight about what’s happening in the world increases the chances of your content being found and shared. It also helps keep the brand relevant.

Be a Lifelong Learner

The moment you believe that you know everything that there is to know is the moment you’ve failed. Life is filled with numerous learning opportunities. Seize them! Invest in conferences that build your knowledge and help you network. Read books within and outside of your niche. Listen to podcasts. Watch educational shows and videos. Expand your knowledge base as best as possible.

Learn Multiple Writing Styles

All writers have a writing preference. However, your writing will improve if you learn multiple writing styles and try to incorporate them in your writing. You’ll also win more clients if your writing style is more flexible so that you can meet their unique needs.

Gain New Experiences

We too often get caught up in the hustle to remember that life is meant to be enjoyed. It’s important to unwind every once in awhile and try new things. These experiences can serve as inspiration at some point in your content creation career and will help you create truly original content.

Final Words

Coming up with good, original content ideas can be challenging. However, these four tips make the process a bit easier. Strive to be one of the best content creators by being aware of current affairs, becoming a lifelong learner, learn multiple writing styles and gain new experiences. Need a content writer? Contact me.


The Type of Content Your Audience Craves